Captain Phillips film review


Captain Phillips, based on real events of the 2009 hijacking of an American ship, is a hard-hitting, multi-layered gritty story about modern day piracy. This film brings the sharp reality and danger of piracy back to life, as the very real threat of piracy had been forgotten. This film also gave Tom Hanks another chance to showcase yet another brilliant performance as Captain Richard Phillips.

Directed by Paul Greengrass, what struck me whilst watching the film was the way in which it was filmed like a documentary, causing it to be a real edge of your seat film but also as a result by the end of the film the you feel as if you have also experienced the same trauma, so by the end of the film I was struck with some unexpected emotion.

I thought when looking at the film beforehand it would be a classic good guy/bad guy pirate story. However I was surprised when it actually turned out to be a smart multi-layered plot. It not only looked at the problems with the lack of defence against pirates in the modern day but also the problems that led to the first American ship being pirated in over 200 years. The film looked at the struggles of the native people and how globalisation drove fishermen to become pirates.

This film is one I will definitely remember for a long time and one I would and have strongly recommended to everyone. It is a definite must-see.

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